Rollouts for EAS Update

Aug 8, 2023 by

Avatar of Quinlan Jung

Quinlan Jung

A slider showing 75% of users on the production branch and 25% of users on the hotfix branch.

EAS Update allows you to ship critical bug fixes and improvements to your end-users between app store releases. By default, published updates go to 100% of users running a compatible build. While this can get changes to your end users quickly, it also can be risky.

For developers who want more control, we're releasing percentage-based rollouts with EAS Update in Developer Preview.

You can get started by publishing an update to a new EAS Update branch you'd like to roll out. You can do this with eas update --branch [branch-name].

Then, you can start a rollout with npx eas-cli@latest channel:rollout. Once your rollout has begun, you can rerun this command to increase, decrease, or end the rollout.

Learn more in our EAS Update docs.


npx eas-cli@latest channel:rollout

Since this feature is currently in Developer Preview, it is not advised to use it in production workflows yet and website support will be coming soon. We'd love to hear your feedback on it, so email if you have any thoughts or questions.


Avatar of Quinlan Jung

Quinlan Jung as project lead

Jonathan Hales for making the first version

Avatar of Will Schurman

Will Schurman as a contributor and tester

Avatar of Bartosz Kaszubowski

Bartosz Kaszubowski for making the website components

Avatar of Jon Samp

Jon Samp for UI design and as a tester